
How to Spot An Amateur Pile Foundation Company

April 14, 2016 1:19 pm

Foundation installation is continually evolving with new techniques, procedures and tools. When amateur pile foundation companies are hired, errors are made, budgets are stretched and safety is compromised. Here are five of the top indicators of an amateur pile foundation company. Amateur Pile Foundation Companies Lack Experience There is no substitute for experience in this field. ScrewFast has not only been working in a range of foundation industries for nearly 2 decades, but we maintain a training school to teach new installers and to provide refresher courses for experienced staff. Amateur Pile Foundation Companies Lack Strong Safety Records Amateur foundation companies have been known to cut corners. This can lead to injuries of staff, clients and even the general public. ScrewFast takes a...

Case Study: Installation of Banner Signal for Network Rail in Derby

April 9, 2016 8:29 am

Helical pile installation is increasingly common in the railway industry due to the speed and safety with which they can be installed.  In Derby, we assisted with the installation of a 7M rail signal for Network Rail using our patented ScrewFast helical piles. Helical Pile Specifications There were 8 Screwfast helical piles and each was two metres in length.  In this instance the piles were two metres long because we needed to keep below the overhead wires utilised by Network Rail. The overhead wires were also switched off during installation, for safety purposes. The length also keeps the piles at a manageable lifting weight while enabling the installers to easily reach up and screw in the bolts. The tube thickness...